Issue Position: Crime and Public Safety

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

Almost every week there is a crime committed in our House District that is on the local TV stations. Gangs, drug activity, cyber bullying, home invasions, and attempted kidnappings are facts in our neighborhoods and community. Again, big government has told us we do not need to protect ourselves, and we know that is a lie.

I sponsored three bills that became law. These laws take on human trafficking, domestic violence and student data privacy. As a Veteran and single-mom, these were among my top concerns. These bills came from friends living in the community. I was proud to work with them and other stakeholders. We did so much, and I promise to continue working together with you to protect our families, our children and our communities.

Repealing last year's gun-control legislation is a first step to restoring our Constitutional Rights. Real reform by improving the Mental Health System is what we want. Real reform to protect our children like passing Jessica's Law and up-scaling the Safe To Tell program for school children to report cyber bullying will make a difference. Protecting our seniors and bringing resources to our local law enforcement agencies is critical to ensuring they can respond to our calls. Empowering people to protect themselves and their property is essential to our Constitutional Rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
